1:1 In-Person Session
Face-to-face tutoring sessions that allow your child to receive hands-on, 1:1 support. These sessions give me the opportunity to build a stronger connection with your child, allowing me to provide more personalized, multi-sensory instruction that will best meet their educational and emotional needs.
1:1 Virtual Session
Online tutoring sessions that allow your child to receive the 1:1 support they need through your devices at home. Virtual tutoring sessions allow your child to continue to receive quality instructional support, even if doing so from a distance.
Small Group Session
Face-to-face small group tutoring sessions that allow your child to grow and interact with peers. For students who thrive when working with others, this is a great tutoring option! Small group sessions of 2-5 students still allow your child to receive academic support that fits their needs, while also providing them with the opportunity to engage in social interactions and individualized learning with other students!